Evidence of things not seen

My Father questioned the evidence of my faith, of what I believed in God. The evidence of my reality in God, of His reality with me.

Noah had a word from God that there would be a flood that would destroy all living creatures on the earth except for those who would enter into the ark he was commanded to build by God.

For years, the rain didn’t come, the flood didn’t happen and he was mocked and life continued. Yet he built the ark….the evidence of things not seen.

In time, at the right time, the flood came and the evidence of God, was real, manifest for all to see.

My Father was/is saying….let your evidence of God be evident with you to be manifest for all to see.

Changing Seasons

It’s been too long in a particular season. Seasons will change, the season is changing…..are you ready? Are you able to transit successfully from the former to the new….no struggles, no uncertainties, no unpreparedness…..are you able to move with the new season, able to navigate the new season? Able to be confident in the new season?

The season is changing…rest in the Lord, moving like melted gold, easily malleable, flowing in His Spirit, completely surrendered to God.


A blank sheet. To write on, to create with, to breathe on. Today, I write. I begin to write the thoughts of my Father, the thoughts that make me.

While it is yet today, His thoughts are clear, without any shadow of turning, filled with light. While it is yet today, we believe, we see, we understand, we become. While it is yet today, we start afresh, a new beginning, yet a continuation of a story, of paths set to dwelling.

God’s Generals

Transformation Place

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The five sat at the round table. They understood the reason for the gathering, each quiet under the weight of the knowledge of whose presence they gathered. The summons came at night, invitations to a room filled with white smoke and walls of dark clouds. An initiate would not know that though the walls billowed, they stood sturdy. The white smoke wreathed in its progress to reach every part of the room, incense from the throne room itself. God hosted this little gathering.

For the first time, the guests could hear the sound of silence, thick and heavy. Though no words were said, some sweated like goats on the slaughter table; others tasted the bitterness of failure. None of them of the mind to start giving their reports.

“Generals, give account.” His soft words flowed like still waters, heard only in the soul.


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